Wednesday 29 September 2010



That's not right...
Sum Ting Wong

Are you harboring a fugitive?...
Hu Yu Hai Ding?

See me ASAP...
Kum Hia Nao

Stupid Man...
Dum Gai

Small Horse...
Tai Ni Po Ni

Did you go to the beach?...
Wai Yu So Tan?

I bumped into a coffee table...
Ai Bang Mai Ni

I think you need a face lift...
Chin Tu Fat

It's very dark in here...
Wai So Dim?

I thought you were on a diet...
Wai Yu Mun Ching?

This is a tow away zone...
No Pah King

Our meeting is scheduled for next week...
Wai Yu Kum Nao?

Staying out of sight...
Lei Ying Lo

He's cleaning his automobile...
Wa Shing Ka

Your body odor is offensive...
Yu Stin Ki Pu

Friday 24 September 2010


sleep box - how about sleeping in a box when you are just passing by a large city?

Size: 2 m x 1,40m x 2,30m to sleep in comfort and security.
Cheap sleep in case of emergency for anyone rich or poor!!
No time wasted looking for a hotel
Designed to be installed at train stations and airports, and central public places or cities where accommodation is fully booked.
In tropical climate countries the sleeper box can be installed outdoors in main streets.
The space includes bed, linen, ventilation system, alarm. LCD TV, WiFi , space for your laptop and re chargeable phone. Under your bed and floor there is a cupboard for your luggage.
Payment is made at terminals who will give clients an electronic key that can be purchased for 15 minutes or for as many hours as you need.

Poverty in the midst of plenty!!!!!!

They are not aware about the advanced world.
Sitting on the grass mat, living an isolated life.

All day he has to pick garbage for his survival..

Care for child safety during play!!!

No home to protect them from the winter.

All that belongs to me is my body.
Can’t afford a pair of shoes.

Nido milk is good for children’s health, but...

Study, play and work all in one..

Time to buy a new bedroom set???
How do the orphans sleep....

How do you see his future..

Living on the garbage pile.

Do you see hope in these eyes!!!!

Looking for food

Not happy with your 2 Bedroom Apartment???
This is my home, my world, my universe.

Where is my lunch??

Don’t waste water, some people desperately need it!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Funny Creative Woman Hats ...

And at last...

Monday 13 September 2010

Check out this emergency call!!!

Tuesday 31 August 2010